Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cozy, Celebration

I love the month of October for several reasons.

October has a cozy ring to it. October means orange. Orange of Fall leaves. Orange of pumpkin. Orange of Halloween. Orange of lights. And orange feels cozy.

October also brings us closer to November and I miss the festive culture back home in India that November brings with Diwali, Navratri, Durga Puja, fireworks, new dresses, mega-lit homes, and on and on.

October also brings us closer to December and I love December even more. I like the potential snow driven home arrests in December and the coziness it results in. I love going to malls in December and witness the chirpy, cozy, warm celebration of the winter. I love the festive nature of December.

Samaira’s day care did this cute foot print thing to celebrate the creepy cozy October. 

Samaira’s day care took Fall-themed pictures that I can’t wait to get my hands on! I sneaked this picture on my phone anyway.

Last week we also celebrated Samaira’s 10 month birthday and she enjoyed by literally digging into the cake!

The most fun celebration came in when Samaira’s day care teacher told me that Samaira fought with a kid at the day care. It is definitely a weird one to celebrate, but it brought a sense of relief, at least for now, in me. I loved hearing that when a fairly mobile child tried to take away Samaira’s toy, she held on to it and screamed to keep it that way. Sam’s screams and facial expressions are gradually being flooded by the rich hue of her emotions. She has a different scream to indicate when she is angry, she is bored, she is frustrated, she is hungry, and she is sleepy! All that she can communicate with her almond shaped eyes and her super-satisfying yelling.

And I celebrate all her expressions. Because that's what cozy inspires me to do!


Unknown said...

You've got to be the first mom who's proud that her kid got into a fight!

Coolest mom award goes to..*drumroll* ;-)

Tarang Shah said...

Ha :)...I do sure like this title!